National AIDS Controls Programme Phase- II was formulated by Government of India which has two main objectives :-
(i) To reduce the spread of HIV infection in India
(ii) Stengthen India's capacity to respond to HIV / AIDS on a long term basis.
Project Component - the Project has the Following five component :-
1 Reducing HIV transmission among poor and marginalized section of the community at High Risk by Targeted Intervention, STD Control and Condom Promotion.
2 Reducing the spread of HIV among the General Poputation by reducing Blood borne transmission / IEC and voluntary Counselling & Testing .
3 Strengthening implementation capacity at the Nation ,state and Municipal corporation levels through the establishment of appropriate organisational arrangements, Training and increasing timely access to reliable information.
4 Developing capacity for community based low cost care for people living with AIDS.
5 Establishing Intersectoral linkage between Public ,Private and Voluntary sectors.